
Nobel Peace Prize – Is today April Fool’s Day?

“President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.”


This is indeed stunning….and stupid too.  You don’t give a prize for someone trying to do something but for someone having achieved something.  I don’t think such a prize should be designed to ENCOURAGE people.  And these so called initiatives --  they are nothing new or of genius nature.  They are simply common sense in International Relations.   The entire world with the exception of America itself has been calling for multilateralism all the time.  On the other hand, Obama’s intiatives have yet to produce any significant results. I suspect the Swedish gives this prize to Obama to bash Bush and his doctrines as the symbol of unilateralism.

Or is it because Obama is the first black President of U.S., which in itself means a lot?  In that case, it should be the American general voting public who gets this prize, not Obama.

On the other hand, the Physics Prize has gone to the right places, for fiber optics and digital imaging – they have indeed transformed the world and our lives.   I read that Charles Kao got Alzeihmer’s disease disease last year.  This is sad.
