
many faces many stories

been playing with Picasa 3 today, which scans my computer for pictures.  with face detection function turned on, it automatically finds faces in the photos, shows them all, and lets me tag them.  it is pretty smart – once i tag it with a name, picasa will most likely recognize the face going forward. it turns out an interesting experience.

well it not only scans for people i know, it captured many many passers-by whom i never paid attention to.  i am surprised it was able to find faces in shop window reflection too! looking at hundreds of faces with all kinds of expressions, beautiful or ugly, i feel like sitting in a bar or a McDonald’s people-watching.   it is a bit scary, though, to think that so many strangers are hiding in the corner of my hard drive.

since i have my primary school, middle school and college group photos in my computer, i am brought to see many kids and young people’s smiles.    we were so innocent, happy and young.  how some of us have changed!  --  maybe not, otherwise how come Picasa was able to guess the 10-year old girl was actually me? i thought i looked different.  computer algorithm must be focusing on something else beyond human subjective impression?

and this review of faces reminds me of people that i haven’t thought of for years, such as a teacher that left a dark shadow on my youthful memories (but i apparently grew out of it) and i guess i can forgive her now.  A couple of people have died.  it is weird to think that they no longer exists in this world. 

i went to see a photography exhibition at the art musuem and took a couple of pictures of Marc Rebound’s wroks that i found interesting.  Picasa also managed to find some faces from his pictures, including chairman mao, zhou enlai, and red guards in the Cultural Revolution.  to see their heads side by side with regular current people i know.  it is odd.

Picasa also found:  1. a few monkeys; 2. Jesus from churches; 3. buddhas or folklore gods in temples; 4. human face pattern in wall decoration; 5. models in street posters; 6. Obama on people’s t-shirt; 7. buddhas in tangka; 8. pottery figures in Xi’an museum; 9. artists like Green Day or Grasshoppers; 10. icehockey or rugby players 11. Hu jintao and Wen Jiabao (from a painting shop in shenzhen) – it is very interesting to see the faces of all of them with equal size side to side. 

Or even a little ironic.





过去几周被一些小事缠绕,到了周末终于可以算是解决大部分了。我们去喝酒了,喝了几杯,居然毫无醉意,这让我失望。我的酒量没有理由增加,一定是酒吧偷工减料,cocktail 酒精含量太低。本想稍稍抛弃那种冷静超然的感觉,用最世俗的醉醺醺来填补,结果我没有做到。


最近兴趣的发生和活动还挺频繁,在那些瞬间,我还确实兴奋了一下;或者又碰到一些白痴的人或事,当时还颇有义愤。我就及时更新 Facebook, Twitter, MSN的状态。再过一会儿,我又觉得这一切都很无聊,再在状态栏上表明我的态度。这一切都如此琐碎,自己都懒得关注。我其实早就烦了自己,我是彻头彻尾的傻瓜。

这个嘛,大概就是Sartre说的 Nausea。存在多么荒谬多么愚蠢,特别是就其日复一日的机械性而言。我们最后都要灭亡的,何必这么折腾,为某事或某人上心?

但毛羊也是人,还是希望活得爽气一些。我不想要这么多无聊的反复,不想这样麻木地耗着,不想认真对待to-do list上的那些细节。我需要一点刺激,比如精神鸦片,很high地进入nirvana的状态。



再说一遍,如果我是男生就好了。虽然若干哥们儿常说他们把我当男的,我也跟着一起骂骂咧咧;但假使我真的是男生的话 --

那么,搬家的时候,就省力多了。首先,我就不会有那么多衣服 (尽管平时还是会觉得缺,嘿嘿),不会有那么多瓶瓶罐罐(我算得不化妆的了,怎么还是有那么多瓶瓶罐罐呢),也不会有那么多毛茸茸的动物(包括我那作孽巴拉的小毛羊;男人里头只有Mr. Bean有个熊)。只有数码玩意儿的重量估计还是差不多,因为现在已经够多了。




End of the world

Took a look at the notes last year.  It was rainy and cold this time last year too.   Very gloomy.  

The sun came out briefly this afternoon, shining on the boxes all over the floor.    it looked so unfamiliar.  i haven’t seen sunshine in my room for so long.  (no, not during the time  in HK).   Yet the sunlight was pale, almost silver.  It looked like a sun at the end of the world.

It is hard to not feel that we are getting closer to the end of the world.  they have been talking about 2012.  I usually take such predictions as bullshit and i am not interested in that movie, either.  But now i am starting to get a little persuaded.

So many natural disasters recently.   And in our daily life, we simply find the weather getting more and more unusual.  There had been major climate change in the early times and the entire population and culture were gone until thousands of years later, human activities reappeared in that region and many geological layers above.  What makes things more dangerous now is that human beings have much more power to destroy Nature and thus expedite the self-destruction process.   Literally speaking, this is just one circle.  Human race should not in the first place expect to last forever.  But how unsettling it is to be caught in the middle of this ugly process often imposed by those in power doing it for their own short term pleasure?

The system is getting more and more blatantly corrupt.   I see human greed, hypocracy, cruelty and stupidity in full display.  Is this the world that many “martyrs” fought so hard and died for?  Harmony.  What Harmony?   How much should a dose of Confucius or patrotic brainwashing be effective to make people live in harmony with injustice?

Well i guess i have to be more positive and energetic.  i will keep my mind focused on what i am supposed to do.  but why does my mind constantly slip to a laid-back afternoon in the sunshine?  but in such gloomy weather, my mind is paralyzed.   If the end of the world is really just around the corner, what should i do now?








